Supportive Services
The Brighter Future Supportive Services program began in July 2002 to provide ongoing case management and support to families and individuals. The central goal of the program is to help people become more self-sufficient so that they no longer need to rely on agencies for help.
Our program provides a range of services for people seeking to improve their quality of life. Families and individuals receive long-term support and case management to help them achieve self-sufficiency by meeting realistic, achievable, goals. Through our supportive services program people develop the necessary life skills to achieve the functional, health-related and personal outcomes they envision.
The case manager is available to help families and individuals work toward goals in many areas, services include:
- Return to school or get a GED
- Enroll in post-secondary education
Job Search
- Create resumes
- Search for jobs
- Practice job interviewing skills
- Locate child care
- Acquire driver’s licenses
Personal Health
- Assistance to acquire Health Insurance
- Find mental health providers
- Connect with support groups
- Food and nutrition
- Develop budgeting skills
- Set financial priorities and goals
- Assistance pursuing child support
- Locate affordable housing
- Utility assistance
- Help to apply for food stamps or other assistance programs.
- Establish links to other community services